Welcome to CEMES

  • Our Mission and Philosophy

    The CEMES' mission is to promote and theologically establish all the ecumenical, Inter- Christian, and Inter-Faith Dialogues of the Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church, to pursue the authentic Orthodox missional ideal and support the missionary activities of the Church, and to cultivate the environmental consciousness or the integrity of God's creation.


    Our Philosophy

  • CEMES Open Public Lectures

    A series of lectures by renowned Orthodox theologians from different ecclesiastical jurisdictions, International Webinars in digitall form, to be conducted in the premises of CEMES. The various events will be conducted by all high-ranking academics of CEMES  with the co-operation of ecumenical Centers and academies from both Greece and abroad.

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  • His life and works

    Metropolitan Panteleimon A' Papageorgiou (born Georgios Papageorgiou) of Thessaloniki (Kranidi Argolida, 1902 - Athens, 1979) was a bishop who served as Metropolitan of Edessa and Thessaloniki and was persecuted by the dictatorship of the Colonels.


  • Centre of Ecumenical, Missiological and Environmental Studies

    CEMES publications are also available in an e-book format. They are available free of charge to applicants in both e-book and hard copy formats. Orders should be placed at cemes2014@gmail.com, and optional contributions (indicated in brackets) could be sent to the IBAN of the Centre.


Our CEMES news

Here you can find the latest news of our Center.

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Center of Ecumenical Missiological and Environmental Studies moments

The Numbers Say it All

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More info on CEMES

Our Mission

To promote and theologically establish all the ecumenical, Inter- Christian, and Inter-Faith Dialogues of the Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church.

At CEMES we pursue the authentic Orthodox missional ideal, support the missionary activities of the Church, and cultivate the environmental consciousness or the integrity of God's creation.