

Cooperation between CEMES and Theological Academy of Kyiv


On November 28, 300 years since the birth of St. Paisius Velichkovsky, they prayed on Mount Athos for those fighting for the freedom of Ukraine, honoring the memory of the Ukrainian saint, as well as an ecclesiastical and cultural figure and writer. In particular, in the former “Cossack” Skete of Prophet Elias on Mount Athos, founded by St. Paisios in 1757, celebrations were held on the occasion of the Memorial Day and the anniversary of the birth of the Ukrainian saint.
The celebrations were attended by the Abbot of the Holy Monastery of Pantokrator, Archimandrite Gabriel, the Deacon of the Skete of Prophet Elijah, Archimandrite Philemon, and clergy and monks from other Athonite monasteries. Present as honorary guests from Ukraine were the Ukrainian Consul in Thessaloniki Oleksandr Sosonyuk and the Director of the International Institute of Athonite Heritage, Dr. Serhiy Shumylo.
During the celebrations, the Ukrainian Consul read a letter of congratulations from the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Metropolitan Epiphanios of Kiev and All Ukraine, on the occasion of the anniversary to the abbots and brothers of the Skete of Prophet Elias and the Holy Monastery of Pantokrator. Also, on behalf of the International Institute of Athonite Heritage, the director of the Institute, Dr. Serhiy Shumylo, addressed the abbot and the brothers.
The messages of the OCU Primate and the Director of the Foundation emphasized the extraordinary role of St. Paisius Velichkovsky, both in the history of Ukraine, Ukrainian culture and the Church, and in the history of the Holy Mountain and Eastern Christianity.
The special role of St. Paisius in the history of the Monastery of Pantokrator and the Skete of St. Elias on Mount Athos, which for many centuries has maintained close spiritual and cultural ties with Ukraine, leaving an important mark on the history of Orthodox monasticism in Ukraine, was also emphasized, and even today, these monasteries are spiritual centers of attraction for Orthodox pilgrims from Ukraine.
Archimandrite Philemon, the Deacon of the Skete, in turn read the message of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, in which he compared the suffering of the Ukrainian people with the suffering of the long-suffering Job, condemned the genocide against the Ukrainian people, and expressed hope for resurrection.
At the end of the commemorative service, the Abbot of the Pantokrator Monastery Archimandrite Gabriel and the Reverend Archimandrite Philemon, the Dean of the Skete, held a memorial service for all those who died in Ukraine during the Russian military invasion, including the defenders who gave their lives in this war for the freedom and independence of their homeland. The Athonite monks also offered prayers for liberation and peace in Ukraine, expressing their spiritual and prayerful solidarity with the suffering Ukrainian people.

In addition, during their stay in the Skete and in the Monastery of Pantokrator, the Ukrainian delegates also discussed the issue of cooperation in research and popularization of the heritage of the spiritual and historical ties of Ukraine with Mount Athos.
On his return to Kyiv, Dr. S. Shumylo was hosted in Thessaloniki at the premises of the Center for Ecumenical, Missionary and Environmental Studies “Mgr. He met with the Honorary President of the Centre, Monsignor Pantelemon Papageorgiou (CEMES) in St. Theodora and met with the Honorary President of the Centre, Monsignor H.E. Shumumylou, who was in charge of the Centre’s activities in the field of theological research and development. Peter Vassiliadis, with whom the cooperation of the Centre and its English-language postgraduate programme “Orthodox Ecumenical Theology” with the Orthodox Theological Academy of Kiev was agreed.



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